Now while I usually dig the long format of a skate deck. I will admit to being a bit stymied for this one. Rather than doing a jovial holiday piece. I went with a less than festive theme for this one. I started with a quick sketch of a skull. Planning on kind of working with some weird colors, and blending it into the background. I wasn't overtly concerned with it fitting proper.

I than had to run out, and pick up a new electric sander. As I seem to have misplaced my old one (never know when yer gonna need the damn thing). And for this deck I tried something a bit different. When out at the art supply store, I'd seen Spray Gesso. Yup Gesso in a can. Now if you've seen this before, good for you. But for me this was new. And always interested in trying something dumb, and new. I picked up a can. It sat around for a bit. But being how I was on a bit of a time constrain, what better time than to try it out on this here deck. I'M happy to report, it worked out great.
It left a really nice tooth to paint on. But I was a bit disappointed in the fact that it was a bit to soft to really do a ton of initial pencil work with. But no big deal. I was on a time constraint, and just pulled out the ole airbrush, and started to crank away.

Like Most of my work I was frustrated, and not incredibly happy at first. But after letting it sit for a day (completed), I went back, and was very satisfied with the end result.
I'm also sending Jime A deck I did many years ago for the "Abrasions" Skate deck book, from Presto Publishing. The book is out of print to my knowledge. So this could be the last time to see this art.
Regardless, if yer in Vegas. You should check out the show. Jime tells me that there are quite a few talented artists taking part in the show. And he's already received quite a few killer decks.

Well, now I gotta run out and mail this thing. Later...
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