Well I've been painting just about every day this past week (astounding for the likes of me). Which is good, cause I've taken on way more than I can chew here.
But yesterday found me in Hope's studio till late in the day, working on this skate deck. Its for a tattoo convention/art show in Toronto Canada. The shows called "Highway to Hell", and has a, you guessed it, Rock-n-Roll, Heavy Metal theme. Now IM not much of an AC-DC fan, so I went with my old stand by. Lil Eddie Maiden!
I can't even tell you how many Maiden denim jackets I painted back in the day. And IM happy to announce that it don't get tired. This project, so far has been fun. I was gonna go with my standard girly pin-up stuff. But decided this would be more fun, and a bit more unique for me.
So here's where IM at so far. Keep and eye peeled for updates.