Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Pirate gal Done and Done.

  Ok here we are. Finally a day off put to some good use. Just finished the latest painting, and what I hope will be the second piece for my Airbrush seminar booklet (to debut at Hell City OH, this May). Managed to Document the whole piece from start to finish, and now all I gotta do is throw it all together with some text that makes sense of what IM doing. 
 Now IM off to draw my tattoos for tomorrow. 
   Heres something on a side note that I find worthy enough to write about.  So I've been posting here to keep people abreast on what IM up to (Art wise), and I also post on my myspace bulletins, to let others uninformed of this Blog, that I've posted something new. Well a couple of days I post a bulletin, and Myspace goes and disables the link to this site, siting that Its of questionable security, and Im trawling for email address's to Hack. Bummer man, just trying to keep people who dig my work up to date.