Firstly like some may know, I was supposed to be in Austria, and Germany Last, and this week. Of course this trip trumped that one, so here I sit, it my North Hollywood hotel room, bored outta my skull, waiting on yet another late start to a day of what I hope will be low drama, and just good ole fashioned tattooing, and shit talkin (Wishful thinking).

The Above photo was sent to me by friends (I use the term Loosely) while attending the Austrian show, that I sadly missed. the following sketch was doodled by friend Jime Litwalk, in retaliation to my trip out west. Nice guy huh...

Now while I am a bit upset about spending time with friends abroad, I have whole heartedly embraced this part. And I've been trying to deal with my day to day life out here as best I can. I've been drawing, and trying to line up work (difficult as my time on set seems to change from time to time, and lining a shop, and client up last minute, is not all that easy). But I've been spending a bit of time drawing, when I can, heres a few.

I wanna thank Shawn Warcot, Johnny Arias For giving me a place to work, and crash while down in Riverside. A lot of fun working down there, and good folks out there at Empire Tattoo.

IM gonna stop writing now before I write something truly hateful, or something that may get my ass in a whole lotta trouble. Just know i am still out here, Missing My Gal, our Dog, The crew at Hope, and especially my Clients back east. Please forgive me. You'll have plenty of time to give me shit should all this filming see the light of day, on the TV.
Cracked in the Head
North Hollywood....