Well October 22nd, Hope gallery Hosted its "PeepShow, Pin-Ups", to much success. What many did not know was the hassles involved of putting the show together. The worst (for me at least) was a insanely busy schedule (work, and travel, which is still work related), and very nearly ruining (well really ruining) my piece for the show.
Yup she nearly didn't make it. With only 2 days to go, and a full schedule of appointments. I went at my painting with gusto, only to shake an open bottle of black Golden acrylic over it, and proceed to cover said painting with it.
Amazingly I did not freak, or even scream, yell, or break anything. Nope I took it in stride, and worked my ass off the next 2 evenings (after a full day tattooing), to finish her.
She's titled "Electric, Day of the Dead", Measures 12x16", and is Acrylic, on Clay board (this will probably be the last time I work on that stuff). Check out the rest of the show at www.hopegallerytattoo.com