I'll admit that the reason for this was simple. Instant gratification. IM familiar with it, and really just wanted to have fun with a piece. I will admit that I did push myself here a bit, in that I used a lot more paintbrush, than usual. But unfortunately my main weapon of choice was the airbrush.
I will one day hit the sticks, and break out them there oils, but for the time being, its gonna be hard to walk away from my airbrush's.

This lil lady is another installment for my Blood Puddn' Project. Still have a ways ta go, but IM chipping away here. She's Golden Acrylics (Tubes, and airbrush), Holbien, and Badger Airbrush acrylics. Like I said earlier, there's a lot more paint brush in this piece than others. Pretty happy with her, but I've a ways to go.
By the way this piece did start out as a tattoo for a client at the shop. I liked it so much, that I couldn't wait to Paint her.
IM thinking of calling her "Blue Blood". But thats still a working title.