hey All, well here I sit in my hotel room in Doncatser England. Waiting to head to Manchester, and my flight to Germany. I will say IM excited bout seeing Germany, but IM getting over the traveling, and the stress thats involved. But Hell who am I to complain, in in Freakin Europe!
Our trip started hooking up with Jime' Litwalk, and Obie Hughs, at Londons Heathrow Airport. A long Cab ride, took us to Lal Hardys New Wave Tattoo in the north of London (check him, and his guys out if ya find yersel in the UK, A Hell of a fella).
Hannah Atchison, was in the house, and tattooin her ass off. After some much needed Coffee, and the company of long distance friends, I was starting to relax a bit. Had a wonderfull dinner that evening at this lil Italian joint up the road from Lal's, than it was time for some much needed sleep. My limit is 42 hours without, and although 36 hours isn't quite 42, I was ready for Bed.
Wendsday, had me tattooing the little cat gals on a young ladys thigh. Only got bout half way thru, and of course, I didn't snap a picture. But IM hoping to work on her again in November, so more to come on that later.
A four hour ride on thursday saw us arrive in Doncaster. Lal made a slight detour, for Jime', Obie, and I, so that our ride wasn't all high way, and we got to see a bt of the country side. Very nice.
tattoo Jam started on Friday, afternoon, and it was non stop tattooin for yours truly. And Damn I was hurtin by the ed of the day. As usual there is less than fantastic seating available at these shows, and this show was no different. As a matter of fact, by Saturday evening my back was quite the mess. A fact IM cruelly reminded of as a sit here hunched over my computer, trying to cpe with minor back spasms.
About Doncatser, and I guess the UK, in general. Damn, these F%*#er's can drink. Saturday, evening was insane, with people stumbling, puking, and pissing in the streets. A regular New Orleans experience this was.
But as I've said, Obie, and Jime' are off ta London, and IM off to Germany, and beyond. Enoy the latest highlites, and keep an eye tuned for more.