So here I sit, and I must say I have really been wanting to write again for a while. So here we have it.
First last week my wife and I Hit the Last Rites Gallery opening of the Southern Show. I'd first seen this fella's work (Brian Viveros) last year at a Last Rites group show, and really dug it. So to say I was a bit excited by getting the opportunity to check out a large body of his work is a bit of an understatement. So that so with that having been said, check it out. http://www.lastritesgallery.com/shows_southern.php
I came away from the show very excited, and really inspired.
Than days later In the mail arrives my DVD copy of Daniel Santos's "book cover illustrations, with Daniel Santos" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWJ54m9yX38
If you've not heard of it, well than now you have, and if you have, well than go get your copy. Its like 2 disks, chock full of incredible info on drawing, painting, and professionalism, when dealing with your clients/editors. As a tattooist, who doesn't paint in oils (yet), I found the DVD both interesting, and helpful, on many levels.
Check out this fella's web site at www.dandossantos.com A truly phenomenal artist, and person.
Which brings me to my next bit of bloggin. My next painting. IM gonna go in a different direction (not too different, now). Like I said between the show last week, and this DVD, IM hoping to take this painting to a slightly higher level for me. Keep an eye out for what comes next. IM hoping for at least a bit of a change from my norm. But we all know what they say about old dogs, and new tricks.